Thursday 27 December 2007

i had a lovely christmas, santa was extremely generous this year! ;) i'm absolutely knackered though. i've been to central london two days in a row. the sales are pretty disappointing to be honest; on boxing day i bought a lux top and pink vintage bag from urban outfitters (the bag is being returned unless i find matching shoes though) a whole bunch of underwear from la senza and a bright pink (i never wear pink, ergh) tulip dress with small black polka dots by motel from the big topshop. today i returned the underwear as none of it fit very nicely, i was just sucked in by the 1/2 price sale signs. i would much rather have the 30 quid back in my acount which is draining day by day. i also exchanged the faulty american apparel romper suit which i got for xmas, and the pink motel dress for a black version with pink polka dots. however it's slightly too lose around my lack of boobs! i might return it when the queues die down. the office sale was a bit rubbish, i would have bought a nice pair of look-at-me party heels but they were all full price and i owe my dad money for the spice girls tickets. ah well, it's my birthday soon!

i have lots of pics i want to upload, but we moved back to our old house just before xmas and our computer hasn't been set up yet :(

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